220 Agents from

Revenant Games


Crafty Games

Character Player Classes Revised
Ash Sean Eggleston 02-Jul-2007
Ascot Rebecca Slitt Fac,Pltc 28-Nov-2006
Argus* Tiago Quintana Sci 08-Jul-2007
Archangel Scott Stokes Adv,Ilum,Slu 07-Nov-2008
Apostle Christian Alipounarian Mar,Rptr 07-Sep-2006
Apex Christopher Smith Snp,Whl 11-Sep-2006
Alex Sryth Joel DeRossett 25-Jun-2007
agent black* ebenezer abolarin Tact 10-Mar-2007
Adrastus James Stewart Sol 07-Dec-2009
Ace of Spades Number Three Slu 10-Feb-2007
220 Agents, Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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