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What do you need from me/us? 4 posts Tags: NONE
Posted by Whitefire on Monday August 18 2008, @11:13PM
Being a long running (although not with nearly as much Exp as Puma) member of LSPY, I got my first chance to run a session at the 07 gencon. Now, that you guys are back, what do you need from me. Sure, I'm in school and only partially available, but I can write/edit/brainstorm etc, and I got lots of motivation. What would you like us to do to help get the ball rolling?

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Re: What do you need from me/us? Posted on Tuesday August 19 2008, @09:17AM
All of the above :)

If you want to write, that is the biggest thing we need help with at the moment. For the time being we have no Level-3 missions planned--we want to keep things Level-1 and Level-2 for now. You are welcome to write either one--the level of detail is basically the difference. I think I need to create a builders mailing list, where we can discuss missions and whatnot.

Re: What do you need from me/us? Posted on Tuesday August 19 2008, @03:28PM
Sure, just lemme know where to start, or send me the link to the mailing list or what not. I have several home games that I could work into missions. I know one thing as a writer that would help me is A)a generic outline that we can work from so we know the uniform format etc. and B) once we hammer out the campaign world, knowing what limits/etc we wanna set for ourselves. (i.e. Dinosaurs, Cosmic Horrors, or just terrorists etc) I have a little of both.
Re: What do you need from me/us? Posted on Tuesday August 19 2008, @03:48PM
To point A) Checkout the writers pack in the Downloads area (this needs to be added to the "how to Help" page, and the SAGE writers guidelines are also useful to help structure things.

to point B) we are working on this slowly in the Worldbook area. The setting is basically 'mostly modern era' with some classic throwbacks to the 60's and some stuff a little more futury too. Basically modern era, give or take 20 years either way, with some super science thrown in.

The good thing about our Scenario Levels, is you can make a Level-1 mission that does anything--don't worry so much about continuity, the point of Level-1 is they are not canon. Level-2 are the ones with a little more canon and continuity to them.

If you ever have any questions about an idea, shoot me an email and we can discuss it out of band.

Outlining Posted on Tuesday August 19 2008, @08:03PM
There's a template that should serve reasonably well in the Downloads area, I believe. Check the Writers' Pack. We may need to clean off reference to LSpy within it, but the template itself shouldn't change much. That'll give you some lines to color in. :)

I look forward to your missions.

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