SMP6-01: Spycraft Mission Pack 6-01

Revenant Games


Crafty Games

SMP6-01 - Spycraft Mission Pack 6-01 (Retired)

By: Community
SAGE Level: 1 -- ALPHA
Release Schedule: 01-Sep-2006
Retired: 31-Dec-2006
Scenario Rating: None
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Downloads: 0

Living Spycraft features special mission template downloads called "Mission Packs," which allow anyone to create their own Living Spycraft missions! Want the campaign to go in a different direction? Feel you have a neat story to tell? Need to explore a character subplot? Want more or less action? Reality? Whatever? Mission Packs allow for the general community to personalize and customize the campaign however they want, and still be able to receive character rewards.

Full Details on how Mission Packs work are defined in the MRD (Rules link to the left). In essence feel free to download and play any of the Mission Pack Bundles below. The Mission Pack download link above is the baseline used by authors to create the Bundles below. Different Mission Packs will have varying limitations, which will help create a variety of flavored Mission Pack Bundles.

Beware Spoilers! People should use the spoiler tags, but this is not guaranteed!
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