SPY8-B01: Shadow

Revenant Games


Crafty Games

SPY8-B01 - Shadow

By: Ansel
SAGE Level: 2 -- BRAVO
Release Schedule: 01-Oct-2008
Scenario Rating: [3.80]
(5 reviews, design: [3.80] balance: [4.00] recommend: [3.60])
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A new generation of US Military Humvee the RST-V Shadow was recently hijacked and stolen from a US Base in Rota Spain. Unfortunately some sensitive documents were also left with the RST-V. Can the Agents recover the documents before the Military finds the vehicle, and without being detected?

Newly Revised from Living Spycraft, this is are-released Mission of SPY7-01 with adjusted storyline to better fit into Spymaster. If you have played the old Shadow, you cannot play this version, sorry.

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SPY8-B01 Shadow

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