Member Help

Revenant Games


Crafty Games

Member Login Assistance

Too many usernames and passwords make for a rough internet experience!

We can try to help you remember things.

Forgotten Username or Password

If your email has not changed recently, you can have your account information mailed to your email address on file. Enter your email address:
Email Address:
An email inquiry will be sent to your email address on file. This will give you your username, and will provide a means for you to change your password, if you have also forgotten it.

If your email address has changed, AND you have forgotten your username and password, you can contact Site Support for help (please provide your name on file, old email address and any other pertinent information you deem appropriate).

New User

Even if you are a new user, it is worth a try to search by your email address. Our database supports many sites, and your information may already be here! Convenient!

If you have searched and we cannot find your email address, you may as well go ahead and create a New Account.

Copyright by Revenant Studio; Visit Surfing The Cloud | Riders of the Stars | Wyrmstone Spymaster and Spymaster the Game is a Trademark and Copyright of Revenant Creative Studio.